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Crystal Reiki

Crystal Reiki Savannah.jpg

Reiki with Crystals integrates the use of the healing energy of crystals and stones with the channeling of Reiki (life force energy) to stimulate the self-healing mechanisms of the mind, body and spirit. The combination of Reiki and Crystals is used to bring one back into a state of harmony and balance and can be a very sacred experience with wonderful results.

During the session, the client, lies fully clothed on a massage table. The appropriate crystals or semi precious stones will be placed on specific locations on the body, as well as around the body, to absorb negative energies, focus and direct Reiki energy and balance your energy field to enable a diseased or out of balance body to find its natural energetic rhythm once again. The practitioner's hands remain in a stationary position, slightly above the body of the client, from head to toe, focusing mainly on the 7 major chakras. There is no manipulation of the skin or tissue. Reiki is not a massage. Many individuals report feeling radiating or pulsating heat, or a tingling sensation during a treatment, and most enter a calm, relaxed state. in some, chronic or acute pain can diminish or completely vanish. Sometimes allergies and other infirmities completely disappear. It is different for each person.

Benefits of Crystal Reiki

The benefits of Reiki with crystals are the same as the benefits of Reiki, along with the added benefit of utilizing the natural healing powers of the crystals and semi-precious stones. They can:

  • Neutralize negative energy

  • Draw energy away from over stimulated areas

  • Re-energize depleted areas

  • Induce a feeling of harmony

  • Balance the chakras

  • Increase you aura

  • Clear energy blockages

The benefits of Reiki include:

  • Supports the bodies ability to heal itself and accelerates healing

  • Revitalizes body, mind & spirit

  • Balances the organs and glands and improves their bodily functions

  • Re-establishes spiritual equilibrium and mental well-being 

  • Promotes creativity and clear thinking

  • Increases the vibrational frequency of the of the body

  • Treats symptoms and causes of illness

  • Relieves physical & emotional pain

  • Adjusts itself according to the needs of the recipient

  • Enhances spiritual awareness & strengthens intuition

  • Relieves stress

  • Induces a state of total relaxation

  • Improves sleep

  • Improves self confidence and self esteem

  • Invites positivity and optimism

  • There are very few contraindications.

For More Information about Chakras Visit My Blog


Contraindications for Crystal Reiki:

  • Those with a pacemaker

  • Those with broken bones that have not yet been set in place.

  • Diabetics, and those with who have health conditions controlled by medication will need to closely monitor their medication requirements

  • Those with hearing aids should remove or lower the volume on these devices prior to receiving Reiki, as they may experience interference which may be unpleasant.

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