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Chair Massage For Individuals


Sometimes it can be inconvenient or uncomfortable to undress and have a massage on a massage table. A great alternative is chair massage, which is performed with the client fully clothed while sitting on a specially massage chair. Your back, neck, shoulders, arms, hands & scalp will be massaged if you desire.


Chair massage for one person is only available in 60 minute duration, due to a 1 hour minumum appointment requirement. Chair massage is also available at your location for 30 minute durations for 2 - 6 people.

There will be a 5 minute break between each massage for sanitizing & a short consultation with each recipient.

If you are interested in a chair massage for a large number of people, please visit my Event Massage page.

If you are interested in chair massage for your employees, please visit my Corporate Onsite Chair Massage page.

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